Secure Your Greener Homes Grant Today and Get up to

$10,600 with Home

Efficiency Rebate Plus!


Qualifying for the Canada Greener Homes Grant is easy! Homeowners need to provide proof of ownership and confirm that the home is their primary residence. For a detailed list of eligibility criteria and to initiate the Canada Greener Homes Grant process, visit the Enbridge Gas website.

Note: You don't have to be an Enbridge customer to qualify!

Eligible for Ontario Energy Rebates? Qualify now!

Explore special rebates and incentive programs designed exclusively for homeowners in Ontario.


Connect with authorized local contractors in your area.


Get personalized quotes with recommendations specially tailored for your home.


Make at least one eligible energy efficiency upgrade


Your local authorized contractor will help schedule your first energy audit.


Following the upgrades, your contractor will assist in completing the final energy audit and manage the paperwork for your rebate cheque.

Claim your rebate now!

Book a consultation with our specialists today and take the first step towards a more energy-efficient home. Don't miss out on savings – act now!

Frequently Asked Question

What is the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus?

The Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (HER+) is a program designed to provide rebates to homeowners in Ontario for making energy-efficient upgrades to their homes.

What types of upgrades are eligible for rebates?

Eligible upgrades include home insulation, windows and doors, heat pumps, and renewable energy systems.

How much can I receive in rebates?

Rebates range from $125 to $5,000, depending on the type and scope of the eligible upgrades.

Do I need to be an Enbridge customer to qualify?

No, you do not need to be an Enbridge customer to qualify for the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus.

How do I qualify for the rebate?

Homeowners must provide proof of ownership and confirm that the home is their primary residence. For detailed eligibility criteria, visit the Enbridge Gas website.

Is Fasada a qualified contractor for these upgrades?

Yes, Fasada is a trusted and qualified contractor with over a decade of experience. We can help you navigate the process and ensure a smooth upgrade experience.

How do I schedule an energy audit and consultation with Fasada?

Take the first step by booking a consultation with our specialists today by click this link You can Call / Text us also at (905) 827-3331 to get started.